Spawn System Models collide with each other

Currently I’ve made a system where BaseParts (Mesh parts & Parts) randomly spawn on the map and I use GetTouchingParts() to check if they collided with each other. Currently I’m trying to do it with models, I’ve tried to loop through every object in the Model to check If It’s touching another part in another model yet it doesn’t work. Here is my current code:

	local RandomChest = math.random(1, #ReplicatedStorage.Chests:GetChildren())
			local ChestClone = ReplicatedStorage.Chests:GetChildren()[RandomChest]:Clone()
			ChestClone.PrimaryPart = ChestClone["Connection"]
			for _, Part in ipairs(ChestClone:GetChildren()) do
				Part.Anchored = true
			ChestClone.Parent = WorldMap.Chests

			local Ground = WorldMap.Ground.Ground
			local Height = 1.5
			local RandomXPosition, RandomZPosition = module.GetRandomPosition(WorldMap, Ground, Height)
			if RandomXPosition and RandomZPosition then
				ChestClone:MoveTo(Ground.Position +, Height,RandomZPosition))

			for _, Part in ipairs(ChestClone:GetChildren()) do
				for _, GettingTouched in pairs(Part:GetTouchingParts()) do
						if (GettingTouched.Parent ~= Part.Parent) then


Any help is appreciated.

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Any help is appreciated.

Just turn off/on “Can Collide” In the properties bar of both models

They spawn on each other. This wouldn’t make any difference.

Make it a model, but put 1 transparent CanCollide off box around it, the same size as the edges of the model.
Make that part the subject of the script, not all the other Parts.

The other thing you may want to do is place them on a grid type system and put the Position of each Model in a table. When randomly placing items you can check the table to see if an item is already at that stored Position. If the stored Position is there, then don’t place the new Model there.

Can you explain more? Like an example?

That defeats the whole purpose of them spawning randomly on a part so I can’t do that…

Is it a fairly rectangular Model?
If so put a large Part that’s the same size as the Model’s bounding box (outline).

How does that defeat the purpose of them spawning randomly? If the Model is a fairly rectangular box then:

  • Place a model in a random Position.
  • Put it’s Position (and size so you can get the extents of its bounding box) in a table.
  • Place the next model, but before you do check to see if the new model’s bounding box (It’s size and Position) will collide with the first one using the stored information in the table.
  • Store that model’s Position and size in the table.
  • Do steps 3 and 4 for each additional model.
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Can you give a code example about the bounding box?

Select any Model in the workspace.
The outlined box that Roblox provides to show you the edges of the model are the bounding box.
GetBoundingBox and GetExtentsSize are shown here: Model | Roblox Creator Documentation

You can get the model’s bounding box then create a part with the returned CFrame, check for collision from that part, keep in mind it’ll be a square.rectangular part.

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Here’s an example code

local model --ur model

local function createPart(size, position, orientation)
	local part ="Part")
	part.Size = size
	part.CFrame = orientation or part.CFrame
	part.Position = position
	part.Anchored = true
	part.CanCollide = true
	part.Parent = workspace

	return part

-- method 1
local size = model:GetExtentsSize()
local part = createPart(size, model.PrimaryPart.Position)

-- method 2
local orientation, size = model:GetBoundingBox()
local part = createPart(size, model.PrimaryPart.Position, orientation)

This should work as you want.

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(Just make a collision group, then change it settings and after that set every part of character or chests or something like that into this group) < this is for character spawn, elseif you wan’t models can’t collide with each other, do raycasting , then before placing chest make part in generated position , if the ray in direction find something that is too near , position is canceled and function runs again until the position is correct