How would I make it so when the mouse moves it turns?

So I have a part that spins depending on where the mouse is.

I need to make it so It only spins if the mouse is moving and not so it is always spinning.

 -- services
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local Text = script.Parent.TextLabel -- display text

local middlePoX = 712
local middlePoY = 400

local turnXLeft = 612
local turnXRight = 812

local testPart = workspace.Part


	local mouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
	Text.Text = mouseLocation.X .. " " .. mouseLocation.Y
	local x = mouseLocation.X
	local y = mouseLocation.Y
	local xTurnAmount = x / 5
	local yTurnAmount = y / 5
	if x > turnXRight then -- turn to the right
		local cframe = CFrame.Angles(-xTurnAmount,0,0)
		testPart.CFrame = cframe -- set the cframe
	elseif x < turnXLeft then -- turn to the left
		local cframe = CFrame.Angles(xTurnAmount,0,0)
		testPart.CFrame = cframe -- set the cframe

Would this work?

 -- services
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local Text = script.Parent.TextLabel -- display text

local middlePoX = 712
local middlePoY = 400

local turnXLeft = 612
local turnXRight = 812

local testPart = workspace.Part

local Coroutine = coroutine.create(function()
    while task.wait() do
	local mouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
	Text.Text = mouseLocation.X .. " " .. mouseLocation.Y
	local x = mouseLocation.X
	local y = mouseLocation.Y
	local xTurnAmount = x / 5
	local yTurnAmount = y / 5
	if x > turnXRight then -- turn to the right
		local cframe = CFrame.Angles(-xTurnAmount,0,0)
		testPart.CFrame = cframe -- set the cframe
	elseif x < turnXLeft then -- turn to the left
		local cframe = CFrame.Angles(xTurnAmount,0,0)
		testPart.CFrame = cframe -- set the cframe

    if Type == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then

    if Type == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then

What does this do? I dont know what coroutine does

Coroutines are a way to yeild and resume functions without having to call a new one. The code given above pauses the loop if the mouse isn’t moving, and resumes it once it starts.

Also if you want to find if the mouse is moving, you can use:

local MouseDelta = UserInputService:GetMouseDelta()

This describes how far the mouse has moved in pixels as a vector2

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I tired this it does not work. am I suppose to replace any of the code you added, or is it suppose to be exactly like this?

@Rabbit_Lord can you help me with this? you seem to know what your doing

I sure can but first, what did you want to do here? As turnXRight is 812

This is just detecting if its less then a certain number so I know to turn the object

This code should hopefully be more efficient as it uses a movement event instead of a frame updater:

local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local oldPos = UIS:GetMouseLocation()

local function GetMouseDelta()
	local curPos = UIS:GetMouseLocation()
	local delta = curPos - oldPos
	oldPos = curPos
	return delta

local part = workspace.Part

UIS.InputChanged:Connect(function(input, gp)
	if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
		local delta = GetMouseDelta()
		part.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(delta.X), 0) --// remove the * from *= to make it non-cumulative

You may need to move math.rad(delta.X) to a different CFrame.Angles(0,0,0) slot depending on how you want it to rotate.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Here you go. All that happens is we grab the mouse delta and put it into a CFrame value.

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Text = script.Parent.TextLabel -- display text

local testPart = workspace.Part


	local MouseDelta = UserInputService:GetMouseDelta()--mouse movement in pixels, returns vector2
	Text.Text = MouseDelta.X .. " " .. MouseDelta.Y

	local xTurnAmount = MouseDelta.X / 5 --adjusts the mouseDelta to your liking
	local yTurnAmount = MouseDelta.Y / 5

	print(xTurnAmount, yTurnAmount)	
	local testPart.CFrame = CFrame.Angles(-yTurnAmount, xTurnAmount, 0) --remember that CFrame angles sometimes are not applied in x,y,z order, but in this case that does not matter


Do note that if the mouse it not moving, the delta is 0 and therefore the “angle” is set back to 0,0,0. To change that simply change:

local testPart.CFrame = CFrame.Angles


local testPart.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles

Edit: @Xitral’s post is also a good alternative

I did notice hear that you put the yTurnAmount into the X position. And the xTurnAmount into the Y positon

Ok after doing this yes it works so thank you. but I relized I need something else.

Do you know how I would make it so the testpart points upwards is the direction of the mouse X position?
That way if I move my mouse to the side the part is then pointed up towards it

You mean to make the part point at where the mouse is?

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Yes thats it. Any way to do this?

Yes, let me make an example.


Incase you wanted to see this Im trying to make a system like this. So if you know how to do something more like this that would help

CFrame has a handy dandy thing called “lookat” that does exactly what you want

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Mouse = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Text = script.Parent.TextLabel -- display text

local testPart = workspace.Part

	local MousePos = Mouse.Hit.Position
	local PointingAt =  MousePos - testPart.CFrame.Position
	testPart.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(testPart.CFrame.Position, PointingAt)

Ok so there is one problem with this. It is pointing off into the distance. Where as I need it to point directly up towards the mouse like in the video. How would I do this?

I really just need the top to face the mouse.

I dont know if your going to see this. I accidently made your reply the solution but it did not actually work how I wanted it to.

Just incase you dont see this I think doing this will make you see it

Most airplane simulators use the physics engine to calculate rotation and position. In that game, the mouse is used to add forces onto the aircraft to make it steer where you want to. Unfortunatly i don’t have a solution for that.

also I saw an error so please change PointingAt to:

	local PointingAt =  MousePos - testPart.CFrame.Position

This will make it point at your mouse