I am trying to make a 2d shooter game with UIs, the problem I’m facing is when the player presses space, a UI should appear visible and move to the top of the UI without tweens to make a stutter effect.
I am currently on mobile so I don’t have the script on hand with me, thanks.
Could you elaborate further? What is “the UI” and etc.
Many terms you use are undefined which makes it extremely hard to infer what is what and what does what.
Alright, in simple terms, Space Invaders. The shooter part
What…? You still make zero sense. Maybe wait until you are on PC, that should make it easier. I think I understand what you mean, but I also don’t.
Okay so let me try this again. There is a frame that is basically the player. The UI moves as a normal player would. When the player presses the spacebar, another frame should become transparent, in this case it is the bullet. The bullet moves up (y axis), without using tweens to create a stutter effect.
Can’t you just set the position of the frame
Just up the Y axis in a loop with a small yield and it should look like a retro bullet-esque thing.
Don’t forget to delete the “bullet” afterwards.
local YIELD_TIME = 0.25
uielement.Position = uielement.Position + UDim2.new(0,0,0.1,0)
until not isbulletactive
Something like this.