How To Do Bank Interest?

What’s the best way to go about doing bank interest.

Deposit: 100$ the interest rate is 5%
So, every 10 minutes they would get 5$ for having 100$ deposited.
But I’m having a problem with once they get to numbers like 100,000 because there interest is becoming to high.

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This question is very vague.
So like, you want different interest rates based on how much money people have?
Or do you want to cap how much money they can earn in one cycle?

For different interest rates you could just use an if statement to see if its bigger and set the rate to whatever you want.
Something like:

if Money < 10000 then
 interestrate  = .05

if Money > 10000 then
 interestrate = .025

As for capping, you can just use math.clamp()

local CappedMoney = math.clamp(Money, MinimumAmountEarned, MaximumAmountEarned)

I think the main problem is that your interest is too high for the time period you chose. You should extend the time or lower the interest rate.

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You could make it so that players are unwanting to keep large amounts of money in high interest banks, by either creating a system for robberies or make the banks go bankrupt every so often. In both these cases players will only be insured on lower amounts (such as 25k). This will incentivise players to transition over to other banks (with lower interest rates) that have a higher insurance cap.

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I wan’t all 3 banks


To have there own Interest rates and cycles (that could be randomized every 5-6 maybe 10 minutes)

This makes it more of a pain to grind out one set Bank.
But in general banks will have a interest between 2-15% and a payout time of 5-20minutes.

I just don’t want a rich player to shove in 4mil inside of a 15% interest bank and make 600000 every 5-20minutes as at that point it would be easy mode.

Edit; Also noted that all banks will have the same rates no-matter the player/device/etc.

If you look at real-world banks, that interest percentage is way too high. I get that it’s high so poorer players can earn money, but why not start them off with more cash so the interest doesn’t have to be so high for anyone. And if someone is able to build up 4 million in their bank then they’ve played the game alot and therefore earnt that. I still think that there should be other ways to make money so the interest can always be low.