How to connect words when you ".split()"

Hello, I’m making an admin command and I want to give a reason when you use a command.

/kick player no cheating

How would I make “no cheating” into one string?
Thank you.

Use table.concat() to connect the strings.

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How would I get the ignore the others part though? I know I have to loop through the strings and ignore it, but how would I add it?

for _, word in pairs(message) do
   if not word[1] and not word[2] then

That was an example I don’t if it will work though. :confused:
Thank you I’ll try that

Use the third and fourth parameters to indicate the starting and ending index of the array. In your case, you would only need to use the third parameter to indicate the start.

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Use the builtin select() function to splice the elements and then concat the end portion
The first parameter tells it at what index to start the splice

local command = "kick player no cheating abc abc abc"
local elements = {}
for element in string.gmatch(command, "([^ ]+)") do
  table.insert(elements, element)
local str = table.concat({select(3, unpack(elements))}, ' ')
print(str) --> no cheating abc abc abc
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There is no need to do all of that. table.concat() allows you to specify starting and ending indices.

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Can you give me a code example please. I think I got it, but I’m not sure. I got this so far:

table.concat() is a documented function.

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you originally said table.join and then edited it, mb

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Following the code sample you sent above: table.concat(message, " ", 3)

  1. The first parameter is the array.
  2. The second parameter is the separator between each string,
  3. The third parameter is the starting index.
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Just remove the first two arguments out of the split since it’s logically the command and the target.

local commandGiven = "/kick player no cheating"

local split = string.split(commandGiven, ' ')

local reason = table.concat(split, " ", 3)
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Thank you, I probably should have looked at the document first I didn’t know you have to add the number after

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