How do I get this to follow the track instead of going straight to the point?

I am trying to make a basic system where they will be a plate that will follow a track around to different points. I am using Lerp and if I can I want to keep it that I am using Lerp if I can.
The cart/base is just going straight to the point and not following the track around it. This is probably a very easy fix but I am not sure how to do it as I have not found a lot of good lerp tutorials that I need to complete this task.


local movePart = script.Parent.TrackFollowPart

local point1 = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.point1

for i = 0, 1,.01 do
	movePart.CFrame = movePart.CFrame:Lerp(point1.CFrame, i)

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You can use the MoveTo method of the PathfindingService to navigate a path between points on a track.
Here’s an example script that demonstrates how to use PathfindingService to move a character along a track:

-- Get the pathfinding service
local pathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")

-- Get the track
local track = -- Set to the track instance

-- Get the starting point and ending point on the track
local startPoint = track.StartPoint.Position
local endPoint = track.EndPoint.Position

-- Create a path between the two points on the track
local path = pathfindingService:CreatePath({
    AgentRadius = 2, -- Set to the size of the character
    StartPosition = startPoint,
    EndPosition = endPoint,
    PathPriority = Enum.PathPriority.High,

-- Move the character along the path
local humanoid = -- Set to the humanoid instance

This script gets the PathfindingService and the track, and then creates a path between the starting point and ending point on the track. It then moves the character along the path using the MoveTo method.

Thank you for your response and help.
I will try this out and see if it works!

Thanks :slight_smile:

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No problem, I hope you achieve your goal!

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