So, I saw a video of a Game that when you would write something offensive, it would replace the message with an embarrassing sentence, like:
“It’s past bedtime, please don’t tell my mommy”
So I have a few questions:
Is this allowed? Obviously there will not be anything breaking the ToS, but I would like to know if this is allowed, I will not be shutting down Roblox’s down by the way
How can you do this?
My question now is if I create a filter that filters the same words as Roblox’s, but I’m not sure if Roblox’s filter will filter anyway
I think as long as your filter works it shouldn’t be a problem. I think the thing you’ve gotta be most careful about is making sure it doesn’t seem like you are promoting offensive language or anything like that.
I think I half understand, I understand that maybe other people may use offensive language against the Player (even though it would be filtered) and it may seem I’m promoting offensive language because of the messages?
Could you explain a bit?
If you make silly, messages to replace offensive messages, it will make players want to type in all sorts of offensive messages, to see what silly message it will get replaced with.
That could be seen as encouraging kids to text offensive things.
My advice would be to just allow Roblox to handle filtering of offensive materials, and keep your own hands out of it.
In this way, you are not responsible for anything, such as parents accusing you of encouraging their kids to type offensive things, or for claims that your ‘silly’ messages might be ‘hurtful’, and be a form of bullying.
Some things are just better left alone, but thats just my own personal opinion.