Raycast script giving error

My ray cast script is not working and it’s giving me this error:

 Players.CloutBl0x.Backpack.Revolver.GunHandler:82: attempt to index nil with 'Hit'  -  Server - GunHandler:82

(line 82 is the ray variable/the first line below)

Raycast Script:

		local ray = Ray.new(handle.Position, (mouse.Hit.p - muzzle.Position).Unit * maxRange.Value)
		local hit, pos = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, character)
		if hit ~= nil then
			if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then

Try using mouse.Hit.Position instead of mouse.Hit.p

show how you’re initiating the mouse variable

you can only get mouse from localscript

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