Is it possible to mask guis

I’m trying to make a 5-star rating meter for a game and I want the stars to slowly fill up with yellow as your rating improves.


How would i go about doing this?

You can’t mask guis directly, but you can have a copy of the stars, in yellow, on top of them inside of a frame, making sure the anchor point is set so that they wouldn’t move as the frame is scaled, and enable ClipsDescendants on that frame. You can then resize the frame to however much yellow you’d like the stars to be.

almost got it to work!

one problem though, it’s filling up on the wrong side
how can i make it fill up from the left?

Change the AnchorPoint of the primary frame

i’m trying that, and it’s moving the yellow star more to the right

I have it set up like this
is this what you meant?

Try adjusting the AnchorPoint of Star2 then

i can’t get it to work
i give up
i’ll just colour the stars themselves

CanvasGroups or Frame.ClipDescendants would probably be what you are looking for.

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