I made a script to break down street lights. I want to make it break only in the event of a car crash

I made a script to break down street lights.

I want to make it break only in the event of a car crash. It breaks even if it collides with a person, how can I fix it?

local regentime = 10

local model = script.Parent
local destroyed = false

for i,block in ipairs(model:GetChildren()) do
	if block:IsA("BasePart") then
			if touch.Anchored or destroyed then return end
			destroyed = true
			for i,block in ipairs(model:GetChildren()) do
				if block:IsA("BasePart") then
					local clone = block:Clone()
					clone.Parent = workspace
					clone.Anchored = false
					block.Transparency = 1
					block.CanCollide = false


						block.Transparency = 0
							block.CanCollide = true

			destroyed = false

Try using CollectionService and add Cars to the tag “Car”, Go to view, then press the Tag Editor

There are many cars in the game I made.
Is there a way to stop the script from working when the touchable model is a player

yes, but I can’t as the devforums doesn’t want us to give whole scripts, also please add the tag “Car” to all the cars in the game you made, it’s not that hard to do that

tagging doesn’t require scripting skills, and you use collectionservice for that

Is there a manual that specifies a tack? I’m searching, but it’s not coming out