Help with scripting circles' size

Hi, I don’t even know how to begin scripting a circle that wouldn’t change its part’s sizes, but would get bigger. I am aware that my desired outcome is hard to understand but I’ll try to explain it.

As you can see, each one of the parts get bigger as I try make the whole thing wider.

Making this work would require some advanced maths, I’m hoping somebody could help me with that.

Well, you can start by using a special mesh or another mesh type to achieve this.

In your current circle formula, you’d want to introduce a Width variable that increase the overall width of the circle to make it appear bigger.

For example as w increases the circle gets bigger

Yeah, but the little parts get bigger too. (I’m using an union)

mind showing how you managed the effect as it may need to be reworked or a different formula/solution may be needed

The effect is just too big for the castle.

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