Bug Report: I do not have access

Sorry about posting in the wrong category, but I do not have access to bug reports yet.
Anyways, I can’t fill out the questionnaire, even though people (and staff). Are saying it’s rolled out for every game. I get this error: “Not Eligible
This experience is not eligible to see or use this feature.” I thought it was rolled out to everyone?

Users without the ‘Regular’ rank cannot post in the #bug-reports category.

I would change the category directory to #help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support.

I am not posting about this, did you read the post?

Definitely reading the post correctly. What ‘bug reports’ are you referring to? I need a little more detail.

But that’s not even what the post is about, I’m talking about the roblox age rating questionnaire.

It is. I have it too.

When was your experience created?