How can i create a new place and add it to my Game?

I’m working on a game and i want to add a “Planet buying” system, as in, you can spend the ingame money to buy a “planet”, that is randomly generated.
I figured the first step is figuring out how to create a new place and adding it to my game, i’ve seen it done before specifically in “Undisputed Combat”, where you can upload your own arenas and it saves as a new place, i honeslty have no clue where to even start with this, i was thinking maybe webhooks or something like that? i’m completely lost, all help is useful :pray:

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View > Asset Manager > Places, then right click to create a new place.
Double clicking places will open them in studio.

What you want is to have 1 place to manage all the custom build games.
Then you want to make use of datastores to save objects, lighting and any other planet related settings.
Depending on an input, like a player (the owner of the planet) joining you can activate this and then load their planet.


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