How can I make a Global Leaderboard like this?

My game has multiple stats so instead of having multiple Global Leaderboards showing all the top players with that stat, I’m trying to have it all in one leaderboard. What are the step by step process on how I can make a leaderboard like this?


This community tutorial should help you create a global leaderboard:

there are few free models in Roblox marketplace, you can refer them.

literally none of these suggestions help with the problem that i have right now but ok lol

We can’t give full coding examples since we aren’t allowed to do that and we aren’t going to construct an entire leaderboard system hence why we are referencing some topics, resources, etc that MAY be helpful for this situation.

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Firstly, curb the attitude, please. This forum is here to give you resources to help you use your creativity, not spoon-feed code to you. A simple online search can solve almost anything these days. Here you go, a step-by-step guide: Global Leaderboard

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Sorry about that. I’ve re-read through my post and I may have not given enough information on what I’m having trouble with.

The problem I’m having right now is I’m wondering how I can make a Global Leaderboard shown in the gif, where different stat values are being shown based on the highest stat that a player have (if that makes any sense) Sorry for the miscommunication.


If I were to break it down step by step this is how I could do it:

  1. Figure out how you want to order each stat, like if you want the most important one on top, or a different way.

  2. When making it, load the first stat in your order that you want to be on top, and load all those players first. Repeat this for each stat Ex; 1-20 is Gems, 21-40 is cash, whatever you have. Using frames, you change the position of each one by adding to the y (I think, idk)

  3. When someone has a higher stat then, reload all the data on the board, which the change. Then you save this data.

For storing this data it could look like, for working with many stats:

local AllDataExample = {
["Gems"] = {
["OfficialPogCat"] = 1000,
["Roblox"] = 800,
["RandomUser"] = 400,
["Someone"] = 200,
["RanOutOfNames"] = 100,

["Cash"] = {
["OfficialPogCat"] = 1000,
["Roblox"] = 800,
["RandomUser"] = 400,
["Someone"] = 200,
["RanOutOfNames"] = 100,


I know I can explain a little bit more, but like with the videos people have linked, you can use those methods, but applying that with many

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No worries, I think I understand what you’re asking for now.

Each player has a stat for “Kills”, “Headshots”, “Deaths”, and “Coins” and there is a 1-25 or 1-50 for each category where the player with the highest value in that stat is shown under that category correct?

Can I see the template you are using, along with the script? I see what you want.

Please keep in mind, you will need to reset the leaderboard, or show a -. The - will be removed when the player joins.