I am making a create car button not working

So it works but it doesn’t have a cooldown. I have put wait() in different spots to try and get a cooldown nothing is working.

location = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
regen = script.Parent.Parent
save = regen:clone()


if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
	back = save:clone()
	back.Parent = location


Events that contain wait() or task.wait() can overlap with each other (run at the same time of each other, asynchronously), because while the wait() is called the first time the event is fired, the event can be fired again, making it run again. To prevent this, just include a simple debounce variable:

location = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
regen = script.Parent.Parent
save = regen:clone()

debounce = false

	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and debounce == false then
		back = save:clone()
		back.Parent = location
		debounce = true
		debounce = false

The debounce is set to true before the wait, and the if statement checks if debounce is false before it moves on, so it won’t run. After the wait, the debounce is set back to false.

I also recommend using local for your variables unless you need them to be available to your whole script.

Ill try this but i tried something with debounce that didn’t work.

still lagged out the game

best screen shot i could have gotten i have to restart studio now

This is happening because you’re cloning the regen button too.