How to spawn part randomly inside another part?

I want to spawn a part inside a spawning radius (which is a part and its moving).
The only issue is that it gives an error and I can’t figure out exacly how to do the whole thing.

My script:
droplet is a part

The error:

That’s probably because the position is small negative number. I would try instead

math.random(-spawnRadius.X×2 ,spawnRadius.X×2)

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have you create the spawnRadius thing?

unfortunatey I did not mention that the cloud is moveing. (I edited the post) And after the spawnRadius’s position.Z / position.X is lower than 0 it makes an error. And the droplets does not spawn in the righ place. [it spawns between the point when the spawnRadius’s position becomes negative and the spawnRadius’s middle.
