Is there anyway to re insert everything in a table when its all removed

So like I want a table to re insert like everything back when its all removed.

Yes I tried
and it didnt work. Im not good a scripting so could anybody help? here is the script.

local Scream = {'Loud','Low','Mad','Furious'}

		local randomnumber = math.random(1,#Scream)
		local TypeOfScream = Scream[randomnumber]
		table.remove(Scream, randomnumber)
		print(TypeOfScream )
		if #Scream == 0 then
			print('No More Scream')
                        -- this is where i want the script
                       -- to reinsert the table again

I looked at tutorials and they never work.

Just make a new table with the same values.

local Scream = {'Loud','Low','Mad','Furious'}
local OldScream = Scream

    local randomnumber = math.random(1,#Scream)
    local TypeOfScream = Scream[randomnumber]
    table.remove(Scream, randomnumber)
    print(TypeOfScream )
    if #Scream == 0 then
        print('No More Scream')

        Scream = OldScream

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