Game like live counter

How do i make a script that counts the current game like that refreshes every 60 minutes? I tried some codes using external sites but i had 2 type of errors, 403 Forbidden and Can’t parse JSON…


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You need to use a proxy. You can’t use Roblox servers to send requests to Roblox.

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What do you mean with this? I used 3rd party site to get the fame current liked but i got those errors

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Are you using GET requests or RequestAsync requests?

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This is the script:

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local UniverseId = 3890366244  

local formatNumber = (function (n) n = tostring(n) return n:reverse():gsub("%d%d%d", "%1,"):reverse():gsub("^,", "") end) 

while true do
	local response = HttpService:RequestAsync({ 
		Url = ""..UniverseId, 
		Method = "GET" 

	local votes = HttpService:JSONDecode(response.Body) 
	workspace.l.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = " Likes: "..formatNumber([1].upVotes) 
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When you were getting the Can’t parse JSON error, what was the response?

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Nothing, the label didn’t updated and i got only this

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What does it say when you do print(response) before setting the label or getting the votes JSON?

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It printed me an HTML code:

21:01:03.043 {
[“Body”] = "

Access denied
  (function(){function d(c){var b=document.getElementById("copy-label"),a=document.getElementById("cf-details-wrapper-expandable");"expanded"):(a.classList.remove("expanded"),b.innerText="Click to copy")}if(document.addEventListener){var e=function(){var c=document.getElementById("copy-label");var b=document.getElementById("error-details").textContent;if(navigator.clipboard)navigator.clipboard.writeText(b);else{var a=document.createElement("textarea");a.value=b;"0";"0";"fixed";document.body.appendChild(a);a.focus();;document.execCommand("copy");document.body.removeChild(a)}c.innerText="Copied text to clipboard"};document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){var c=document.getElementById("error-details-checkbox"),b=document.getElementById("click-to-copy-btn");document.getElementById("copy-label").classList.remove("hidden");c.addEventListener("change",d);b.addEventListener("click",e)})}})();
  <script defer src=""></script>

Access denied

Error code 1020

You do not have access to

The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site.

Error details

Caret icon
        <input id="error-details-checkbox" class="hidden" type="checkbox">

        <div class="cf-expandable-error-info hidden">
           <p class="cf-error-copy-description">Provide the site owner this information.</p>
           <button class="cf-click-to-copy-btn" id="click-to-copy-btn" title="Click to copy" type="button">

I got an error when visiting

Error code: 1020

Ray ID: 7b6579d338e50dfa

Country: IT

Data center: mxp02

IP: -----

Timestamp: 2023-04-11 19:01:02 UTC

Click to copy

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", ["Headers"] = {...}, ["StatusCode"] = 403, ["StatusMessage"] = "Forbidden", ["Success"] = false } - Server - Likes:12

I think the access to the site is denied

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Yeah, it seems like it. I think you should use a newer API endpoint.

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