Object is not a valid member object2 even though it was 1 line ago?

The code below is what I was trying to do but it wont work, on line 100 (Marked with a comment) it prints v.Pet but on line 102 (Also marked with a comment) it says Pet is not a valid member of “Parent”. Does anyone have a solution or any suggestions to maybe fix this?

	for i, v in pairs(script.Parent.InventoryFrame.PetsHolder:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("ImageButton") then
			print(v.Pet.Value) -- Line 100
			if v.Pet.Value.Parent == player.EquippedPets then -- Line 102
				local petToMove = v.Pet.Value
				petToMove.Parent = player.Pets
				v.ImageColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)


What type of ValueBase is v.Pet?

Its an object value with a value of the corresponding pet in the players inventory

Check if the objectvalue has an existing value AND if that value has a current ancestor too. When an instance is destroyed, the ObjectValue doesn’t change its value to nil (or at least not instantly), and you have to do either a check when you plan to use that valueholder (which is what i do) or set an event that checks when the instance was deleted and sets the objectvalue’s value to nil.

Do some check like this before the ‘line 100’:

if v.Pet.Value and (player.EquippedPets:IsAncestorOf(v.Pet.Value) or player.Pets:IsAncestorOf(v.Pet.Value)) then

If your function is supposed to ignore deleted pets and run the code only on existing ones, I guess this problem would be solved with the code I mentioned. But if it is supposed to always find an ancestor and it isn’t doing so, there is probably something deleting the pet on the experience, and you have to find out what it is.

I feel like this is printing nil or it’s not an instance.