Rotating the character permanently

I want to be able to permanently rotate a character, just like gravity controllers do.

I don’t want to use gravity controllers as they’re glitchy and I’ve found a better way to calculate an orientation for the character using basic math.

The only problem now is that I don’t know how to rotate the character permanently.

What do you mean by “permanently”? So the player won’t be able to rotate character or?

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usually when you rotate the character, the humanoid rotates it back to a “normal” orientation

Depends on what axis do you rotate the character, for example I tried rotating character this way:

Original position:


After inputting workspace.Tratium_v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) to the command bar:


The character will stay like that.

But if you want to make the character lay down for example, then you must use an animation.

I’m trying to code a realistic planetary gravity controller.
I used to use egomoose modules but they’re glitchy and broke.

Now I can only walk on my planet’s north pole so I wan’t to code a controller.

Im trying to give the character an angle relative to it’s position on the sphere.

I’ve managed to do that, however I don’t know how to rotate without it getting up.

In this case you should disable StandUp state. After inputting following commands, the character kept laying:

After doing this, you will be able to change the character’s orientation to whatever you want.

but will I still be able to walk?

Depends on how your gravity system works

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It looks like I’m not able to walk

Try messing up with states, I will send a message if I will find a solution. That’s a pretty interesting problem honestly.

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ty, I’ll try too, take care (w)

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You’re in luck! I have this file that might be able to accomplish what you’re looking for.
Gravity system.rbxl (189.1 KB)

I don’t want to use egomoose’s gravity controller as it is glitchy and unrealistic

Oh. I guess the only way would be to make or use a custom character controller, because humanoids will enter the Falling state if they are rotated a few degrees.

However, you could rotate the Root.C0 in the LowerTorso (or RootJoint in Torso) if it achieves what you’re looking for.

I’ll try to, (wordsdfasfdsdff)

oh yeah, this works, tysm really

Hi Tratium

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It seemed to work, however now Im unable to walk properly, also my animations are weird

That’s because Humanoids only stand up on the Y axis.


It seems like you’ll want a custom character controller.

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