Left 4 Dead 2 Type AI

Is it possible to make left 4 dead type AI?

I can’t really send a clip, so here’s a reference that talks about it

Yes, you can indeed make something similar to the video provided using a custom pathfinding function.

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What do you exactly need?
I can’t watch the video as it’s too long and I don’t have time

Maybe @Ihaveash0rtname could you explain a bit?

Like, something advanced, something that’ll be fun and challenging.

I see, is there some devforum post I can look at? or any information for this?

So like an AI that can challenge you, chase you, be smart, plan to control the world etc.?

yes, I guess you can say it that way.

I can send a clip of the type of AI I want

Okay thanks, and yes I think you can make it but it’s gonna be very very hard, (especially if your planning to allow it to plan to rule the world :smiling_imp:)

I’ll send them in a bit, since I’m a tad bit busy

For some Parts like the Idle stuff, or the Agressive stuff, you can set up States for them to Follow if they are not in one, so when they’re in an Idle State, they will Stand around, and Maybe Walk around, while in Maybe a Hunt Mode, they will chase the Player that was close to them

Some parts like where a Zombie leans towards one side to get to you: You would Have to Predict where the Person is going in order to do that.

is there something I could look at for the prediction? like a devforum post or something

You could check the speed at which a Player is moving and it’s direction, I’m not sure how tho
You would get it like:
Check for the Player’s coordinates, check again after 1 second, this way you’ll get the speed and the direction (for direction you can also use LookVector), now you can calculate where the Player will be in 1 second if he keeps going like this, now, you calculate the place in which the AI can jump, and use the same equation to uncover how much time it’ll take the Player to reach that place, now subtract the time the AI takes ti jump, and you got when the AI will have to jump

my head hurts from reading this, but seems plausible

If you are going to use pathfinding, make sure you use it when you really need to or do the calculation in client and verify it the server.