Updating Information Inside Dictionary For Profile Service

How would I go about updating/setting information inside a dictionary using profile service. I have everything mapped out already but I have no Idea how to update anything inside the dictionary.

Module Script:

local Data_Template  = {


	Defaults = {
		Cash = 25,
		Name = 0,
		Rank = 'F-',
		Spins = 10,
	} , 
	Inventory = {} , 

Basically what im trying to do is update the information inside of “Defaults” such as cash but I have no idea how to do it. I cant find anything on the github on how I can do this.

When you get the Profile of the user, you are supposed to cache it like the tutorial states in ProfileService documentation.

Then, you just do Profile.Data.Defaults.Cash = value
and ProfileService should take care of saving it for you.

You should refer to the documentation for better understanding and explanation, it has everything you may need and best practices.

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