How can I let a player see only a specific Area of Workspace without using StreamingEnabled?

So lets assume I got 3 areas in my workspace. And Player1 is located in Area1 with many Parts and so on…
How can I let him only see Area1 without him seeing the other Areas.

I would normally just parent area2/3 to something else than workspace (with a localscript) but the problem is that new parts could be added to a area and i dont want a player to see parts flying around outside of is actual area.

Do you have any suggestions?

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Why not use your normal method and only keep the area you want to be visible (area1) in workspace and keep all the other areas somewhere else that is accessible by a localscript (like ReplicatedStorage). And for the new parts, just parent them to the wanted area?


local ReplicatedStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage
local newPart = ReplicatedStorage.newPart

-- By default, the areas are in ReplicatedStorage. So they will be invisible.
local area1 = ReplicatedStorage.Areas.Area1
local area2 = ReplicatedStorage.Areas.Area2
local area3 = ReplicatedStorage.Areas.Area3


-- You want a specific area to become visible to the player so you parent it to workspace
area1.Parent = workspace
while wait(1) do
	-- you also parent all the new parts to the area which is located in workspace
	newPart:Clone().Parent = workspace:FindFirstChild("Area1")

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