Proximity prompt in workspace makes gui frame visible once but stops working after

I am attempting to use a ProximityPrompt in workspace to make the frame of a ScreenGui visible once it is triggered. I am doing with with a server script.

The ProximityPrompt is able to make the frame visible the first time it is triggered, however once the visibility of the frame is set to false through a TextButton, the ProximityPrompt is unable to open it once more.

This is the server script I have used for the ProximityPrompt located in workspace:

local EditPrompt = script.Parent.EditPrompt

	player.PlayerGui.EditRegister.BackFrame.Visible = true

Because you set it to false on the client side, but it doesn’t replicate it to the server, so after the server is setting the value to true again, nothing changes because on the server side value is true already.

Right. Would you suggest the best way to make the frame visible is using a RemoteEvent?

That’s your choice, I don’t know how your system is working. You could possibly set it to false on the server side too, but in my opinion making changes to certain player’s UI via server is a bit weird idea.

@gameStructure Make sure to mark my answer as a solution if it helped, so the people can see it has been solved.