I tried everything!

Ive had enough. 1 year ago I wanted to learn scripting and I’m still learnoing it today.
Why you learnt it all for one year. Well first off I’ve went through every thedevking and they were useful but when I gone to advanced it just got very confusing I was scrating my head like what was going on. I tried everything.
I searched in the devforum loads of to people told to go but where should I look some people may not explain the script properly but when I still keep looking no answers I don’t know if I should quit learning to script but it’s so hard because I want to make games on roblox I want players to play my game but iT’S SO HARDDD TO DO THAT WHEN NOONE EXPLAIN IT PROPERLY!

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Bruh stop whining and go code.

You get better by practicing, not watching some youtube tutorial.


Skill issue IMHO.

From what I understand you were just looking at tutorials and stuff. That’s totally wrong. You should script yourself and look on tutorials when you’re stuck. Just give yourself a goal, even if only small/simple one, and try doing it. If you get stuck on it, search about the problem and learn about it until you understand. Then move to something else, and gradually start writing more and more complex scripts. That’s probably the best method there is for learning scripting. Scripting things you want and try to understand them as much as possible.


Funny thing is that this dude spent 1 year doing this. He just wasted 1 year of time watching the dev king.

Thats hilarious.


Yep, there is no way you can learn/understand scripting if you won’t do it yourself and see exact results of your code.

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I think a mistake people make is they think they can just watch tutorials and learn a subject. What you need to do is watch a tutorial all the way through once. Then on the second time you watch it you do something similar but don’t follow it exactly. This will force you to learn the material instead of just being able to follow along.

If you really enjoy scripting, you will stick with it. My first programming language I read the book 4 times and it was still gibberish. The fifth time I read the book the flood gates opened.


If I’m going to be honest, the dude sounds like a whiny quitter.
(no offense)

He is crying about how he never got good at scripting when there are lots of resources and articles on how to get better.

But no this dude watched youtube for a year, and didnt even do a google search on “how to learn scripting”



heres the thing i watched thedevking videos when i was starting out (still is because its only 6 months since i watched the devking tutorials)the starter tutorials all the way to advanced videos i noticed a thing about thedevking tutorials is that sometimes the codes are not efficient enough this makes me think of ways to improve and improve honesty if u wanna improve in scripting you need to code more

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For real bro, the dev king is kinda trash at scripting ngl.
He uses old patterns, doesn’t explain it that well, and uses slow and inefficient methods.
Then he doesnt even tell people there are better ways to do things.

Roblox needs to make an official scripting course for begineers, thedevking isn’t a good option.

(the alvinblox guy is pretty good though)

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well first learn the syntax of coding it will then become easier to understand because a lot of people will explain it properly but you wont understand it because you dont understand the syntax. try coding on your own with no help and if your knowledge is too short to do that then 1. you wasted 1 year of your life and 2. relearn the basics because if you dont understand the advanced then you didnt fully understand the basics.

He is probably in shock right now over losing 1 year of his life for no good reason.

Ignore these people in the replies being meanies. I get that it can be frustrating when nothing is working and you might be staying up trying to do stuff to improve your scripts/game. It isn’t that easy. And of course only watching YouTube tutorials won’t make you a scripter.

I will admit, I did learn scripting from youtube tutorials, but instead of just watching them, I actually wrote the code and experimented with it. That’s how I learned how loops, methods, functions, events and allll of that good stuff works! Trust me it takes time to learn, and it won’t be as easy as just looking up one simple tutorial. It will take hours, days. But the important part is to not lose inspiration or give up. If you want to do it, then do it in a way you enjoy it. And also, do not start big. I’ve said this many times and I’ll say it again: Probably the biggest mistake beginners do is start making a big project without knowing how to do it and where to start.

What I am basically trying to say is:

  1. Start a small project

  2. Watch some youtube tutorials on the basics or things you don’t understand yet. Personally, I learned from Alvin Blox’s scripting series, then I moved to Dev King’s advanced series which contains more advanced mechanics of scripting.

  3. Copy the code in those youtube videos, modify it a bit, and add your own part of the code. Try changing things and experimenting to try and get a better understanding of how specific things work in the game. Use print() and warn() for debugging and checking how many times, when and why things work.

  4. Don’t just limit yourself to youtube videos! If you don’t understand something or want to learn more, the Developer Forum is your best friend. You can ask any questions in here if you can’t find the answer. That is why the forums exist :slight_smile:

The forums are probably a better source of knowledge than YouTube. YouTube can be really helpful, but you need to learn to use it correctly.

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