How To Script A Rig To Be Your Avatar

ive seen in quite a few games where it takes an ID / Your character and puts it into a rig. How do you do that? Would you have to clone the players Character?


Sorry for being late, but you can make a local script which gets the player’s user id, then use a function for loading the avatar :wink:

Whenever I want someone’s avatar I spawn a rig in Studio and run this in the command bar: workspace.Rig.Humanoid:ApplyHumanoidDescriptionReset(game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync("AlreadyPro")))
You can adapt this for your own code, by changing some values or removing the name part. BTW I used AlreadyPro as an example because he was the first guy I thought of.

i figured this out yesterday but it didn’t work because i disabled the script or something lol but thanks anyways

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