Scrolling Frame doesnt work under a frame

hello, i have a scrolling frame under a frame, they share the same size and scrolling frame has no transparency to make it look better,
My scrolling frame just doesn’t work and the scrolling bar disappears. is there any fix to this? i assume its because theres a ui corner on its parent.

Is your CanvasSize set to {0, 0},{0, 0}? Is ScrollingDirection set to the axis you aren’t filling in with UIListLayout? Is ScrollBarThickness set to 0? Is ScrollingEnabled set to false? Do you have another UI object overlaying the ScrollingFrame? If at least one of those are true, it might be the cause for the scrolling bar disappearing.

If it’s of any help, I remember having an issue with UIAspectRatioConstraint and ScrollingFrame where AutomaticCanvasSize wouldn’t work, but it doesn’t seem like that’s related to your issue.

the problem was the canvas Size, The Scrolling Direction was set to X axis and canvas Size’s X were 0, Thank you For your Help

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