How do I use CollectionService for everything under the same parent?

I want to make a hover animation for every button in a frame, and was wondering how to do this with CollectionService. Does anyone know how to do it?

Is there any particular reason you’re wanting to use tags for this? I would be more inclined to use a for loop for the descendants/children of the frame and use an if statement to check if the instance is a button.

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No, I just don’t want to have duplicated scripts in each button. Could you make an example of what I should do?

Of course!

for i, v in pairs(frame:GetChildren()) do
	if v:IsA("TextButton") then
			-- do your hover animation

This function will get every button that is a descendant of a given object.
You could iterate through it’s returned value to code every button at once

local function get_buttons(frame: Instance): {GuiButton}
	local out= {}
	for _, child in ipairs(frame:GetDescendants()) do
		if child:IsA("GuiButton") then
			table.insert(out, child)
	return out

for _, button in get_buttons(script.Parent) do

Couple questions:
What is “out” for?
Does it have to be ipairs or can it just be pairs, because it looks like I can do it with pairs.

ipairs is marginally faster for arrays. you don’t technically need either.

out is defined to collect and return the GuiButtons.

Ohh, okay. But sorry, last question, what does the

(frame: Instance): {GuiButton}

do? I’m still kind of new to scripting.

These are type notations, a hidden feature of Roblox’s Luau. Add --!strict to the top of your script and you will receive better errors before playing the game and much better auto-complete.

Those types are telling you that the parameter frame must take an Instance i.e. anything with a Parent/Children and returns an array of GuiButtons i.e. clickable UI.

Wait, I’ve never heard of luau, does it have to be downloaded or is it already embedded into studio?

It is already in studio, It’s Roblox’s expanded version of Lua. Adding --!strict to the top of your scripts will enable the type checking aspects.

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This did not work by the way. For the MouseLeave and MouseEnter parts, specifically.

How would I use MouseEnter and MouseLeave for this though?

local function get_buttons(frame: Instance): {GuiButton}
	local out = {}
	for _, child in ipairs(frame:GetDescendants()) do
		if child:IsA("GuiButton") then
			table.insert(out, child)
	return out

local buttons = get_buttons(script.Parent)

for _, button in buttons do
	local startSize = button.Size
	local bigSize = * 2, 0, startSize.Y.Scale*2, 0)
	local animationTime = 0.2
		button:TweenSize(bigSize, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, animationTime, true)
		button:TweenSize(startSize, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, animationTime, true)