How to have a picture of that item in the shop?

Hey Developers!

Im having a bit of a problem. In roblox im doing a little project, in this project im trying to make a shop. In this shop ive seen pictures of the item in the shop. How would I do that?

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You can use a Image label or Image Button

You can use ViewportFrames to display pictures of items in the shop. A ViewportFrame is a GUI object that displays a 3D view of a model or a part of the game world. You can use a ViewportFrame to display a picture of the item by placing it in the ViewportFrame and taking a screenshot.

Here’s an example of how you can use a ViewportFrame to display a picture of an item in the shop:

  1. Create a ViewportFrame in your shop GUI. Set its “Size” and “Position” properties to the desired values. You can also customize the “BackgroundColor3” property if you want.

  2. Create a Model or part representing the item you want to display. You can use a 3D modeling tool or create the model in Roblox Studio.

  3. Set the “Parent” property of the Model or Part to the workspace.

  4. Position the Model or Part to face the camera and have a desirable angle.

  5. Get the ViewportFrame object using its name or by storing it in a variable.

  6. Set the “CameraSubject” property of the ViewportFrame to the Model or Part you created.

  7. Set the “CurrentCamera” property of the ViewportFrame to a new camera object. This is necessary to take a screenshot of the ViewportFrame.

  8. Take a screenshot of the ViewportFrame using the “Capture” method.

  9. Display the screenshot in a GUI image object.

Here is an example:

-- Step 1: Create a ViewportFrame
local viewportFrame ="ViewportFrame")
viewportFrame.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0)
viewportFrame.Position =, 0, 0.25, 0)
viewportFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
viewportFrame.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui

-- Step 2 and 3: Create a Part to represent the item
local item ="Part")
item.Size =, 1, 1)
item.Position =, 5, 0)
item.Parent = game.Workspace

-- Step 6: Set the camera subject of the viewport frame to the item
viewportFrame.CameraSubject = item

-- Step 7: Set a new camera for the viewport frame
local camera ="Camera")
viewportFrame.CurrentCamera = camera

-- Step 8: Take a screenshot of the viewport frame
local screenshot = viewportFrame:Capture()

-- Step 9: Display the screenshot in a GUI image
local image ="ImageLabel")
image.Image = screenshot
image.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0)
image.Position =, 0, 0.75, 0)
image.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui

You can customize the ViewportFrame and the Part to achieve the desired appearance.


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