What direction should I take to create a Player dancing on podium

I am not looking for someone to write a script for me but I am looking for someone to point me in the right direction regarding how to make a player dance on a podium. This will be used for when someone wins in my game :slight_smile:

You can achieve this by first playing the animation on the dummy, and everytime the winner changes, get that player’s UserId (Player.UserId) and use that ID to create a HumanoidDescription to apply to the dummy’s Humanoid.

Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId() is how you can create the HumanoidDescription, and Humanoid:ApplyDescription() is how you can apply the HumanoidDescription to the dummy.

Also, make sure to use the Animator in the dummy’s Humanoid to play the looped Animation. If the dummy doesn’t have an Animator, you can just create one using Instance.new().


Thank you, I was also wondering what’s going on with scaling dummys? When I scale them the scale doesn’t stay or it looks weird, should I be scaling them through a script to make them bigger?

Have you tried using the Model:ScaleTo API?

Tbh no, I’ll try that c: thank you

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