Why will my RemoteFunction not work?


So I want to use RemoteFunctions more but I keep having an issue in that I never can seem to find a way to make mine run. :frowning: I have no clue what I am going wrong and it makes no sense to me. I would say I am a decent programmer on Roblox but this is really making me confused on why it keeps not working.

Server Code:

Events.CheckCount.OnServerInvoke = function(player)
	print("hopefully this runs?")
	if CorrectCount >= RequiredCorrect then
		-- Write the embed send stuff here
		print("user has the amount needed")
		return true
		-- Write the embed send stuff here
		print("user does not have amount needed.")
		return false

Local Code:

	local Check = Events.CheckCount:InvokeServer()
	if Check == true then
		print("run true stuff here")
		print("run not true stuff here")
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Whats the output when you run this?
Seems it should work without issues, if the remote is in the right folder.
At least you should get “hopefully this runs?” print

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Nothing runs at all in regards to the RemoteFunction part of my code which is what confuses me.

Nope that does not run at all.

That is what I expect, it to run without issues but I don’t understand why it is not. And yea I am sure it is in the correct folder - I have never been able to get remote functions to work for some reason.

Thats so weird…
Just for debugging, try this:

  • Place a RemoteFunction in ReplicatedStorage name it REM
  • Put this in a Script in ServerScriptService:
game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("REM").OnServerInvoke = function()
	return true
  • Put this in a LocalScript in PlayerScripts:

Found my issue. I accidentally put the script in storage.

Thanks @Dev_Peashie for trying to help me.

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