Need help with replication security (Cmdr prompt -> selective localplayer rain)

I’m trying to create a secure linkage between a command prompt named Cmdr, and a localized rain script.
The problem I’m running into is that I just don’t know how to securely replicate a clientside rain script with a command prompt such as Cmdr.
What I’m currently doing is:
Creating a command with Cmdr that grabs a 0,1 value depending on if you want it off, or on. Aswell as another variable that is the playerName.
Then, it uses the input of the playerName to change the specified client’s weather, indicated by 0 or 1.
I tried to hook the modulescript for Rain up to the command, but you can’t run a localscript on a server script.

Now, I’m left with seemingly one option, replication. But I want it to be extremely hard to manipulate the replication, I just don’t know how to go about it.

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The local script controls the weather. When a player uses a command it sends a message to the server using a remote, which then sends a message to the target player to change their weather. Any restriction on how this can be done is checked on the server, then.