UpdateAsync returning nil

Hi, I am trying to make a script where it saves the game when you leave. I don’t know why, but UpdateAsync always returns nil. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.

game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player)--PlayerRemoving is when a player leaves.
	local playerUserId = player.UserId
	local updata = {}
	for i, v in ipairs(player.Upgrades:GetChildren()) do
		updata[v.Name] = v.Value

	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		upgradeData:UpdateAsync(playerUserId, function(oldData)
			local previousData = oldData or {DataId = 0}
			if updata.DataId == previousData.DataId then
				return nil --It always returns nil

You’re checking for updata.DataId inside of a table where the property doesn’t exist. Therefore, the if condition will always return nil


You should print any potential error messages

if not success then

Oh, thanks!

I don’t know how, but it worked on another data store I was doing. Can you explain why it works on this one?


game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player)--PlayerRemoving is when a player leaves.
	local playerUserId = player.UserId
	local data = {
		Cash = player.leaderstats.Cash.Value;
		Rebirths = player.leaderstats.Rebirths.Value;
	for i, v in ipairs(player.CodeStats:GetChildren()) do
		data[v.Name] = v.Value

	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		myDataStore:UpdateAsync(playerUserId, function(oldData)
			local previousData = oldData or {DataId = 0}
			if data.DataId == previousData.DataId then
				return data
				return nil

I tried doing

if updata.Data == previousData then

and it didn’t work

Not .Data sorry, just ignore that

if updata == previousData then

The reason why it works there is because you have an IntValue (I assume) named DataId that’s inserted into the table at runtime during the loop, and the value of the IntValue matches either the previous value or the default value of DataId in the function.

Also, if you have two callback functions modifying the player’s data, if one of the them returns nil then the player’s data will likely be erased

So you’re saying there is something in the data table named DataId? I don’t understand. Can you make a more visual explanation if possible?

I’m saying the loop:

for i, v in ipairs(player.CodeStats:GetChildren()) do
		data[v.Name] = v.Value

is adding values to the data table and one of those values is like an IntValue named DataId that’s being inserted as well. I, of course, don’t have confirmation of this because I don’t know how your game is structured.

At the end of your loop, the table will have a new key named DataId that you’re checking later on:

if data.DataId == previousData.DataId then
	return data
	return nil

This is likely why your second script works but the first one doesn’t. Either the first one doesn’t have a key called DataId or the value of DataId is likely a different number

But what about this part? Why does this part save?

local data = {
		Cash = player.leaderstats.Cash.Value;
		Rebirths = player.leaderstats.Rebirths.Value;

It’s attached to the same table

Hm. So then how do I fix it???