I’ve searched everywhere, but I don’t find anything. Could you help me? (I already have my API key)
In this code I was using davinci-003 model, there are other models be sure to check them, are different and requires different price of tokens, like curie, babbage, ada etc
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local endpoint = "https://api.openai.com/v1/engines/text-davinci-003/completions"
local yourKEY = "Bearer yourAPI_Key"
local function getResponse(prompt)
local requestBody = {
prompt = prompt,
max_tokens = 100,
n = 1,
--stop = "\n",
temperature = 1 -- play with these values
top_p = 1 -- play with these values
local headers = {
["Authorization"] = yourKEY,
local response = HttpService:PostAsync(endpoint, HttpService:JSONEncode(requestBody), Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationJson, false, headers)
local decodedResponse = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)
warn("Stop reason:", decodedResponse.choices[1].finish_reason)
warn("Total Tokens required:") --, decodedResponse.usage.total_tokens
return decodedResponse.choices[1].text
Its free for only 3 months or tokens limit reached as I remember.
You could ask ChatGPT itself too, I suppose “it” knows more about “it”
Thanks!!! It worked perfectly.
So this is Chat GPT but inside Roblox Studio ?
Yes, works exactly the same as ChatGPT from a browser, and by using davinci model it behaves exactly like the browser one. But its only free for a limit of “words/tokens”, which you can control with the requestBody parameters
Nice. Never heard of it it until now. Thanks for telling.
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