April 29, 2023, 7:59pm
A pretty simple one that I cant find the answer to, how can I make a part reflective? my guess was to use custom materials but I just dont know how to use them so can someone kinda guide me on that real quick?
(it’s not a mesh part cant use surface appearance)
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April 29, 2023, 8:05pm
Besides the “reflectance” slider under “appearance”, my only guess, if you’re sure it’s even possible, is a custom PBR material
April 29, 2023, 8:07pm
my fault for not stating but it’s a normal part, I cant use surface appearance so I’ll edit that in real quick
Turn the part to smooth plastic and turn up the reflectance.
April 29, 2023, 8:09pm
I understand what you mean but: I believe that I also forgot to state that it has a texture and the texture covers 100% of the part
Create a special mesh for the brick mesh and then use surface appearance.
→ 3 OR 2.5 (whatever is your liking)
Transparency (texture)
→ 0.65 OR 0.5
this is how it should look (may look diff depending on skybox):