part:Destroy() isn't destroying the part? am I tripping or what

I making a laser from one point to another which works but after some seconds I want to destroy it but its not destroying

heres my client script

the code is inside a remote event and the script in startplayerscripts(at first it was inside the tool but its in here because I thought it would fix the problem but nope)

	local shootPoint = tool.Handle.ShootPoint
		local mousePos = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Hit.Position
		local origin = shootPoint.WorldPosition
		local direction = CFrame.lookAt(origin, mousePos).LookVector * 100

		local distance = (origin - mousePos).Magnitude
		local midpoint = (origin + mousePos) / 2

		local part ='Part')
		part.Name = 'Laser'
		part.CanCollide = false
		part.Anchored = true
		part.Material = 'Neon'
		part.Transparency = 0.5
		part.Size =, 0.5, distance)
		part.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(midpoint, mousePos)
		part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(14, 255, 22)
		part.Parent = tool

		while task.wait(1) do

so im creating the part, waiting 0.3 seconds and then destroying the part but its not destroying

I have a while loop that destroys it every second but some how it still exists because it still prints, but printing part.Parent is nil

Is this normal?

I came across this because I wanted to do

while part do


so the loop only runs while the part exist

even doing this, still the part exist after destroying

local part ='Part')
part.Anchored = true
part.Parent = workspace


use debris service then see if it does the same thing, i think i had this issue and just switch to debris service, its also a lot faster than manually deleting a part

local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
Debris:AddItem(part, 0.3) -- 0.3 is how long you want it to be there for

yeah that doesnt work either

	game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(part, 0.3)
	while part do

This is basically just how destroying objects works, as per the documentation: Instance | Roblox Creator Documentation

Sets the Instance.Parent property to nil, locks the Instance.Parent property, disconnects all connections, and calls Destroy on all children. This function is the correct way to dispose of objects that are no longer required.

Destroyed objects still technically exist until they get ‘garbage collected’. So long as you have a reference to the destroyed object (usually through a local variable), the object will remain in memory. As soon as all references to a destroyed object are gone (for example when your variable referencing the object goes out of scope), they are marked for clean-up. Then, the ‘garbage collector’ will remove the data at some unspecified point in the near future.

This is all very technical and complicated, but the basic idea is that calling :Destroy() will prepare the object for deletion, rather than fully cleaning it up right then and there. You cannot interact with a destroyed object and so long as you’re not storing references to destroyed objects, the object will eventually disappear. There is nothing to worry about here.

:Destroy() parents the part and all of it’s descendants to nil, so you should go based off that

ohhh okay I understand it now, thanks a lot and for everyone else. I was going crazy.

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