Prompt Teleportation BUG

Hi devs ! I have a problem with my script. Actually i want that when a player use the proximity prompt it teleport him to a part. But when I do this, it tp the player under the map. Someone can help me ?

here is the script:

local proximityprompt = script.Parent.Parent.ProximityPrompt

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local OpenSound = script.Parent.Parent.Parent["Locker Door Open"]
local CloseSound = script.Parent.Parent.Parent["Locker Door Close"]

local Door1 = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Door1
local Door2 = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Door2

local HidePart = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.HidePart


Here is the video :

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I forgot to say but the part “HidePart” is in the locker

Try changing this to :PivotTo()
SetPrimaryPartCFrame is deprecated, which could be causing issues.

I just tried and it still not working , the player is still teleported under the map

Is the model hallow, and do all of the parts (i.e. HidePart) have CanCollide set to false? If not, it would likely shove them outside of it and back onto the baseplate, but it is possible it is pushing them under the baseplate instead.

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Yes the part “HidePart” Collide is set to false

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Why not try
player.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame =


I was just about to say that… lol

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Still teleport the player under the map…

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print out HidePart’s position
something something someting

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When i put the position like this :

local Character = player.Character
Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 3.461, 17.682)

it work . I think the part have a prob. But idk how to solve it

This might work
player.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame = HidePart.CFrame

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Still not working … The player is still getting teleported under the map

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make sure to check if “HidePart” is anchored


I have put somes prints to get the position etc… and the last line is the position of the player when he got teleported . The first and the second line are the position of the part . So we can see the player isn’t teleported to the part .

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BROOO Omg am so dumb tnks you ! It was that…

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lol, no problem, it’s happened to me before as well.


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