Is It Possible to Create Randomized Textures and Meshes?

Is it possible to produce randomly generated meshes and/or textures?
In my game, I want to add some sort of terrain feature.
Because it doesn’t look the best and is difficult to use, I can’t just use the terrain feature.
In the long run, there are too many issues, such as scale, performance, and others.
Unions are not efficient enough for me to utilize them, either.
I had to turn to the Devforum because my online searches turned up nothing.
Please introduce it to me if you have any documentation, answers, or other valuable information.
I must express my gratitude for your time, developer.
I’ve heard about mesh deforming; perhaps I can utilize it. If it works, I won’t mind.

Note that with generating textures I mean actually using them as either textures, decals etc. Im not
talking about just generating Perlin noise or something like that. I’m talking about using them as actual assets.

Have the best of days. :smile:

I don’t really understand what you want, but maybe this is it.

local textures = {1484148974, 7262170535, 725203809} --textures id
local meshes = {1484148960, 7262168277, 725203731} --meshes id
local rantext = "rbxassetid://"..textures[, #textures)]
local randmesh = "rbxassetid://"..meshes[, #meshes)]

Thank you despite the fact that this is not really what I meant. So let me explain.
I want to produce a mesh at random. It is generated; it is not preset. I want to get right to the point.
I want to create a plane that is randomly formed. a plane with artificially generated noise. I’ll handle the rest after that.

To put it another way, I want to make terrain out of a mesh that a script produces.

Regarding the textures I’m referring to. I want to be able to use a script to create an image that can be used as a decal.

Now I understand you, but unfortunately you cannot generate such things in roblox, as far as I know, and Material Generator is not yet available to scripts

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No issue, what a bummer. If it were possible, both players and developers would find Roblox games to be far more interesting.
To be fair, I do understand. Individuals would produce inappropriate material. Although it ought to be a feature, it is a fundamental requirement for games.
I’ll leave this form up for another two to three days. The discussion will be closed and your most recent response since this one will be marked as the answer if there are no more comments.

Thanks for your time.

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