Best way to go about making a custom Character replicator?

What I wanna be able to do is stop the server from replicating players characters if they’re too far away from each other. Badly explained but if Client A is too far away from Client B (their characters) then they won’t replicate to each other. (Similar to streaming enabled) What’s the best way to get the functionality of current roblox characters local and server so I have control over replication. Basically everything about characters is in CoreScripts I assume because its not able to be accessed. And I assume this is the best way to get the editable version of the scripts, if it is then any pointers towards doing this would be appreciated.

  • Also I know chickynoid exists, but the issue with chickynoid is that its a whole overhaul to server authoritative model, which I don’t want.

I wanna keep the same way current characters work but have control over replication.

  • Streaming Enabled has the issue of not giving me total control of how replication happens.

If you got any ideas on the best way to tackle this challenge then that be appreciated. (Planning to make this opensource aswell in the future)

Also posted the same question in the OSS discord if anyone prefers to answer it there: Discord