Wobbly Replication Glitch on Movement

This is the weird error I get when trying to run around, it doesn’t happen on the client but for other users it replicates a wobbly kind of effect. This problem is solved when I delete the animate script from the player.Character, however I am using the default Animate with the animation ID’s swapped. This also replicates when I took a blank default animate script and replaced it with my altered one to see if it works and no results. Any reason what may be the cause?

It looks like you have the animations on the same priority playing at the same time on the server. This is likely because you have set the priority of the animation in a local script rather than in the animation editor. Even so, you probably want one to stop when the other one is supposed to start rather than having one override the other, so it’s likely that the server is not getting informed that you are stopping one of the animations. If that’s the case, its likely a simple problem with how you’ve handled stopping and starting the animations

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