Help on the TextChannels in TextChatService?

Okay, so today I learned about the new TextChatService as I was still using the Legacy one.

So, I just have one question about the default TextChannels that appear, Is there a difference between RBXGeneral and RBXSystem?

RBXGeneral and RBXSystem both have independent TextChannel.OnIncomingMessage callbacks set.

RBXGeneral’s OnIncomingMessage callback will auto-color the name of the sender. It looks a little like:

textChannel.OnIncomingMessage = function(message)
	local properties ="TextChatMessageProperties")

	if message.TextSource then
		local nameColor = GetNameColor(message.TextSource.UserId)
		properties.PrefixText = `<font color="#{nameColor:ToHex()}">{message.PrefixText}</font>`

	return properties

RBXSystem’s OnIncomingMessage callback is a little different and will color the entire message based on the Metadata property of the incoming message. This looks something like:

textChannel.OnIncomingMessage = function(message)
	local properties ="TextChatMessageProperties")

	local messageColor = if string.find(message.Metadata, "Error")
		then Colors.Red:ToHex()
		else Colors.LightGrey:ToHex()

	properties.Text = `<font color="#{messageColor}">{message.Text}</font>`,

	return properties

Oh okay, I’ve got it now thank you

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