Why does Player2 cuff grabbing work smoothly but Player1 cuff grabbing work laggy and buggy? Welds and Scripting

So, I made this cuffing system and when grabbing a player I use “Weld” I parent the weld to the player’s humanoidRootPart that I want to cuff. Player2 Cuffing works smoothly with no lags and it teleports the player that you want to cuff to you, but Player2 when he is grabbing, the grab has delays and works not smooth at all and Player2 is getting teleported to the person you want to cuff instead of the person that you want to cuff teleports to you.
This is my first time working with weld; if this is an obvious fix, I would be pretty mad.
Thank you for reading and thank you for any help :))

I dont think theres a fix for this, there would need to be 0 server latency in order for it to work smoothly.

You may be able to do something with networkOwnership using PlayerToCuff.PrimaryPart:SetNetworkOwner(CuffingPlayer), but that might not work on players.

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