Trouble with cloning

What i want to achieve is simple, a supply drop that gives you an item from a set of aviable items.

I have the supply drop system figured out, but here’s the catch: when the drop is opened and the tool is given, it simply refuses to work.

The tool works just fine when i tested it individually, but when i tested it from the supply drop, it refuses to give any output.

(Keep in mind everything is done within a ModuleScript)

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In order for me to help you, I would like to see the script that you use.



There isn’t much to it really, just some simple cloning and parenting.

		local r = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Upgrades:GetChildren()
		local c = r[math.random(1,#r)]:Clone()
		c.Parent = plr.Backpack
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I’m sorry, but I don’t have the time at the moment to explain this further as I am busy.

You’ll have to ask someone else to help you, but I wish you the best of luck with your project.

what do you exactly any output like printing?
if so can you show a video of you trying it and how the tool works originally?

another question is this all done in server and not client?

It’s a module script, everything is server-sided.

The tool is the classic sword, theres no need to show how it works

can you show a video of this issue?

Nevermind, it ends up that it wasnt replicating to the server correctly, wich i fixed by making a separate script.

Thanks for trying to help me anyways!

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