"ChatMakeSystemMessage" Doesn't seem to work anymore

Since roblox updated the chat Gui, I cannot use game.StarterGui:SetCore(“ChatMakeSystemMessage”).

Maybe it’s just me, but can anyone help me?

If your script runs on the server then try to switch the line to the client side by firing a remoteevent to the client but if that doesnt still work then try changing the line to this:

game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {Text = "Whatever", Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255), font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold})
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My script runs on client. Anyways, I found a way to disable the new chat gui and it works perfectly.

Roblox doesn’t register a callback for ChatMakeSystemMessage with the new chat.
You’d have to use TextChannel.DisplaySystemMessage if you want to use system messages with the new chat.


it doesn’t work for just the new chat system, only for the old system it works

Okay, but I have another question, is there something like “ChatService:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction()” method in the new chat system?

Yeah, there’s a folder called TextChatCommands that’s parented to TextChatService
You can insert your own TextChatCommands in there (or really anywhere in TextChatService) and connect to TextChatCommand.Triggered


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