Is it possible to make objects not able to push other objects but still have collision?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. **What do you want to achieve? I want the players in the car to not be able to push the car but still have collision with it.

  2. **What is the issue? My armored car has a box in the back that has collision, i made it so people in that box wouldn’t get shot by anything. Also made a collision group that makes the box not have collision with the wheels. The issue is that when players get in the car’s box and walk, the car randomly stops or glitches out.

  3. **What solutions have you tried so far? I was searching for solution on devforum but did not find any.

    As you can see in the video my friend glitches the car while walking

You could weld them to the car in a specific place

Yeah i was thinking about that but my friend wouldn’t be able to move in the car to hide from bullets, thanks for the reply tho

You could use the new controllers I think, or another thing is you could weld him and when he presses a button he can crouch

Nice idea but can you explain about the new controllers?

I dont have time but I’ll link the #updates topic here

Here @Ieftslipper_amogus

Alright thanks, im going to use the weld button that you mentioned

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Thanks again, you helped alot :grinning:

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