Help with making luck system

Hello, I am trying to make a game like this (Endless Luck) , when you join the game you’ll notice that there’s a board with hundreds of different “Lucks” all with their own chance and color.

Is it possible to make this in script that will stay the same across every server unless the script is altered? Because there is no way someone manually made hundreds of them.

In summary I just want to know how I can make something similar to this.

Messaging service along with datastores might work

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Yeah I mostly got that part sorted, I’m just trying to figure out how to make so many different “lucks” with their own chances

You could use math.random to pick random lucks and then enter them in

From what I can think of you could use math.random to pick a random number, then determine if that number is in a range. So specifically use math.random(1,100), then for like a “Luck Rarity” of a 1/15 chance, or like 6.67% chance, of being received you can determine if this number is between some interval of 7 numbers, so like 1-7 or 5-11 (though 1-7 is going to more intuitive to script). As the “Luck Rarity” increases the interval will decrease so you can check if your random number is between 1-PercentChance with an if-else statement or loop. You can save this PercentChance variable in a datastore and call it for each player when calling luck, and you can theoretically use the same script for each player if you use this PercentChance variable. Though I don’t know how you could approach sub 1% chances.