How to make a title data store

I know how to make a data when it comes to data but how could I make a datastore that saves the titles that you have. I want to make the title have a Boolean property that is true if the title is equipped and false if it isn’t

You save a table to the datastore.
Its really not that hard lol

But how do I make a table like this and how do I add a title to the table to award it

local Titles = {
[“2023”] = false

You could probably make a in-game table with all of your titles and only save the index of the current title of the player.

Something like this is what I think you are talking about:

local Titles = {
	['2003'] = false,
	['34534'] = false

And to edit or add something to it you just do something like this:

local Titles = {
	['2003'] = false,
	['34534'] = false

Titles['2003'] = true

The problem with this approach is that if you save an entire table of booleans in the datastore for that type of usage, it can cause long term problems or just take up space for nothing, by saving only the index in the datastore, you can easily get the value by doing Titles[currrentPlayerIndex] without taking that many space.

The table would then look like this :

local Titles = {
	"Title 1", -- I have index 0 !
"Title 2" -- I have index 1 !

Yes true and depending on what it is, it could work well but it could get complicated depending on what you have and how much you have. I don’t think by adding the name of the boolen within it is gonna massively cause much more storage space.

But yes in this case it seems like that would work well because you could just include the true titles and exclude the false ones or somthing.

Hi Phillipceo90,

To create a datastore in Roblox that saves the titles a player has and whether they are equipped or not, you can use the DataStoreService and DataStore modules. Here’s a general idea of how you can achieve this:

  1. Create a module script named “DataStoreModule” in ServerStorage and add the following code:
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local titleDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("TitleData")

local function saveTitleData(player, titleData)
    titleDataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, titleData)

local function loadTitleData(player)
    local success, titleData = pcall(function()
        return titleDataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId)
    return success and titleData or {}

return {
    saveTitleData = saveTitleData,
    loadTitleData = loadTitleData
  1. In a Script in ServerScriptService, you can listen to the player’s equipped title changing and save the updated data to the datastore:
local DataStoreModule = require(game.ServerStorage.DataStoreModule)

    local titleData = DataStoreModule.loadTitleData(player)
        local titleEquipped = false
        -- listen to title equipped event and set titleEquipped to true when it happens
        titleData[titleId] = titleEquipped
        DataStoreModule.saveTitleData(player, titleData)

In this script, you would replace “titleId” with the id of the title that the player just equipped. You would also need to listen to the title unequipped event and set the value to false.

  1. To retrieve the player’s saved title data, you can call the loadTitleData function from the DataStoreModule:
local DataStoreModule = require(game.ServerStorage.DataStoreModule)

local titleData = DataStoreModule.loadTitleData(player)

This would return a table where the keys are the title ids and the values are true or false depending on whether the title is equipped or not.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

how would i award someone with a title and also how would i determine which title is equipped (only one can be equipped)

Hi Phillipceo90,

To award a player with a title in Roblox, you can modify the code I provided earlier. Here’s an updated version that includes awarding titles and determining which title is equipped:

  1. Modify the “DataStoreModule” script in ServerStorage:
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local titleDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("TitleData")

local function saveTitleData(player, titleData)
    titleDataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, titleData)

local function loadTitleData(player)
    local success, titleData = pcall(function()
        return titleDataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId)
    return success and titleData or {}

return {
    saveTitleData = saveTitleData,
    loadTitleData = loadTitleData
  1. In a Script in ServerScriptService, you can add code to award a title to a player and manage equipped titles:
local DataStoreModule = require(game.ServerStorage.DataStoreModule)

-- Function to award a title to a player
local function awardTitle(player, titleId)
    local titleData = DataStoreModule.loadTitleData(player)
    titleData[titleId] = false -- Set the initial value to false (not equipped)
    DataStoreModule.saveTitleData(player, titleData)

-- Function to equip a title for a player
local function equipTitle(player, titleId)
    local titleData = DataStoreModule.loadTitleData(player)
    -- Loop through all the titles and set the equipped status accordingly
    for id, _ in pairs(titleData) do
        titleData[id] = (id == titleId) -- Set equipped status to true for the selected title, false for others
    DataStoreModule.saveTitleData(player, titleData)

    -- Awarding a title to a player
    awardTitle(player, "TitleId1") -- Replace "TitleId1" with the actual ID of the title you want to award
        -- Equipping a title for a player
        equipTitle(player, "TitleId1") -- Replace "TitleId1" with the actual ID of the title you want to equip
        -- You can also add logic to handle unequipping titles here
        -- Accessing equipped titles
        local titleData = DataStoreModule.loadTitleData(player)
        for titleId, equipped in pairs(titleData) do
            if equipped then
                print("Title equipped:", titleId)

In this code, the awardTitle function is used to award a title to a player by adding it to their saved title data with the initial value of false (not equipped). The equipTitle function is used to equip a specific title for a player by setting its equipped status to true and setting the status of other titles to false. The equipped title can be accessed through the titleData table.

Please make sure to replace “TitleId1” with the actual ID of the title you want to award or equip.

Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!