Rotating a Tool in a Players Hand

Im trying to get a tool to point to the position that the player is looking at but if you try to CFrame the handle it takes the player with it and using Lookat on the grip orientation causes it to spin randomly, I want all players to be able to see it so I cant use motor 6d so im wondering how to make the handle rotate seperatly from the player

Based on what you’ve described, one solution is to use a BindableEvent to communicate between the player’s camera and the tool handle. Here’s how you could implement this:

1.	Create a BindableEvent in the tool’s handle. This event will be used to receive messages from the player’s camera.
2.	In the player’s camera script, get the direction the camera is facing using the CFrame.LookVector property.
3.	When the player presses a key to “point” the tool, fire the BindableEvent and pass in the camera’s direction.
4.	In the tool’s handle script, set the CFame of the handle using the constructor with the camera’s direction vector. Ensure the handle’s position remains fixed relative to the player’s hand.

This way, the handle will remain fixed in the player’s hand but will point in the direction the player is looking when they press the “point” key.

I guess i must have explained it a bit loosely but i have tried to do that but it glitches out the player since the handle is welded to the player so it does look to where the camera is pointing but it forces the rest of your body to do so too