Literally FNF! v1.0c Patchnotes
○ These songs are removed until further notice
- South (FNF Original)
- Satin-Paper (FNF Original)
- Mom (FNF Original)
- All B-Sides Songs
- Improbable Outset (Tricky)
- Boxing Match (Matt)
- All A.G.O.T.I Songs
- Calliope (Miscellaneous)
- Refresher (Miscellaneous)
○ These songs are permenantly removed
- Mid-Fight Masses (To respect its gamebanana removal)
- All Whitty Songs (To respect the mod creator)
Song Additions:
○ Arcade Showdown Songs
- Meowgen
- Scratch Post
- Sanctuary
○ Shaggy Songs
- Astral Calamity
○ Dungeon Arcade Originals
- Requisend
Song Changes:
○ Requise - Dungeon Arcade Originals
- Remastered Version
- Added Hard(Old) difficulty (Old Song and Chart)
○ Papapa/ papa
- Dungeon Arcade Originals
- Updated Boyman/Galpal Assets
Mechanic Additions:
○ Hold Note Release Registration - Gameplay
- Now you can get score from releasing a hold note in time
○ Taunting - Visual
- You can press G or the taunt button on mobile or the back right trigger on Xbox, to now taunt in-game!
Mechanic Changes:
○ More Lenient Hit Registration - Gameplay
- The hit registration is now less strict by double (2.33x more lenient to be exact)
○ Ghost Tapping at Start Removed - Gameplay
- You can no longer ghost tap at the start unless you enable ghost tapping in Game Options
Option Menu Additions:
○ Taunt Keybind Setting
- You can change your keybind for Taunting.
○ Disable Taunt Sounds
- Disables the player sounds from Taunting (Including Multiplayer)
○ Disable Taunt Button (Mobile Only)
- For mobile users who feel the screen is too cluttered now… or always tap it by mistake
○ Note Speed Settings
- You can now set your note speed from 0.5 to 4 in Game Options (Off by Default)
○ Ghost Tapping
- You now have an option in Game Options to now tap while notes aren’t onscreen (Off by Default)
General Changes:
○ Credits Rewritten
- All credits have been rewritten to be a bit more clear
○ Functioning Death in Left Side Mode
- You can now die while playing with Left Side modifier
○ No more infinite loading when a song failed to load
- It plays a rather silly audio and displays an error message instead
○ The following songs are fixed and playable now
- Spookeez
- Blammed Instrumental
- High Instrumental
- Cocoa Instrumental
- Monster and Winter Horrorland Vocals
- Winter Horrorland Instrumental
- Hex Dunk
- Hex Ram
- Madness
- Chiller Corrupted
- Tabi My Battle Instrumental
- Tabi Last Chance
- Tabi Massacre Instrumental
- World Eater Luke Difficulty
- Sparta Remix showing Outdated Vocals