I’ve been trying to make a CollisionGroup for my bosses and so far it has gone into chaos with collision groups everywhere and resulting in me being confused.
(The flying boss group is the one for flying bosses, the ground boss one speaks for it self as well)
My Goal:
I have a flying boss that I want to make sure it collides with nothing in the workspace. So it has no issue flying around.
Similar to what @ifkpop says, if you don’t want the boss to collide with anything in the workspace, you could make the property of each basepart in the boss itself to false.
I wouldn’t recommend modifying the properties of the parts in the workspace, because that is tedious and also you probably don’t want your players falling out of the map.
Well my main goal is to make it so they don’t collide with anything, letting the boss dash freely without fear of it hitting something and flinging. So I may as well stick with the non-collide method.